The All-Fall Annual - Early Fall (winter peas, buckwheat) - Late Fall (radishes, forage rape)3.5 lb. bag – plants 1/4 acreDouble-duty Slam Dunk works all fall by providing peas and buckwheat early, and then radishes and forage rape later on. There’s always something good to eat!
1 lb. will plant 1/5 acre.The perfect additive for any food plot. It's large green multi-leaves are designed for tonnage and are loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Fuel for Clover, Alfalfa, Soybeans, Peas and other legumesTreats 1 acre per bottleFinally, a fertilizer product designed specifically to supercharge your clover food plot!
30 years of testing to offer the two best multi-leaf alfalfa varieties3 lb. Bag plants 1/4 acre30 years of testing to offer the two best multi-leaf alfalfa varieties