CARBON-BASED SOIL CONDITIONER (a must for every food plot!)Derived from a product developed to fix “dead soil,” this amazing soil conditioner optimizes seed germination and plant root development, raises soil pH, unlocks available minerals and nutrients, and enhances moisture retention. And, it contains humic acid which can bind CWD prions in the soil!
1 lb. will plant 1/4 acre.Special hardy cool season perennial. Grows fast, drought and pH tolerant. Plant alone or mix with grain, clover,
Rape and Turnip Fall/Winter Annual3 lb. bag – plants 1/2 acreOur #1 selling food plot product, Honey Hole is a fabulous northern hunt plot that grows even in tough conditions and deer love it!
All-Season Annual (Forage Soybeans, Forage Peas, Buckwheat and Sunflowers)20 lb. bag – plants 1/2 acrePlant Red Zone in the spring for a tonnage-producing, high protein plot that helps grow antlers. Plant in the summer/fall for a late maturing hunt plot.