Deer have varying nutritional needs throughout the year. The Antler King® Program is designed to meet these needs in the most economical way. Bucks and does have a high demand for protein, minerals, and vitamins from February through August, for antler growth and milk production. From September through January, both bucks and does have a…
Why do deer need minerals?
Provding your deer herd the proper vitamins, minerals and nutrients on a year-round basis can not only produce larger antlers but it can have a positive impact on your whole deer family. The right minerals in the right proportion are important for increasing body weight, antler size, milk production, immune system health and disease prevention….
Why plant food plots?
Planting food plots is the single most effective way to attract, grow and keep deer on your property on a year-round basis, if you have the food you’ll have the deer. We completed a 5-year radio-collar study on deer and food plots and found some astonishing results. We found that deer that have relied upon…
Food Plots: Why, What & How
Why plant food plots? Planting food plots is the single most effective way to attract, grow and keep deer on your property on a year-round basis, if you have the food you’ll have the deer. We completed a 5-year radio-collar study on deer and food plots and found some astonishing results. We found that deer…
What kind of minerals do they need?
There are many different types of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that deer need to survive, remain healthy and maximize their genetic potential and it is important to find a well-rounded mineral to provide all of these for them. While a growing antler is comprised mostly of protein (see food plot and feeding program for protein…
What to plant?
When planting food plots, there is a lot to consider and one crucial component is planting food sources for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Although you may only hunt in the Fall, your deer herd needs to eat year-round and there are certain food sources they will desire and need, depending on the time of…
How do I plant food plots?
A nice mix of Spring and Summer protein sources and Fall and Winter energy sources will provide deer the nutrition they need to survive and thrive and will keep more deer on your property on a year-round basis. If you provide food, water and cover your deer will not have to leave your property. If…
Why do I need to take a soil test and what is the most important part of the soil test?
A soil test will give you the current state of nutrients in the soil that you plan on using for a food plot. For example, you may find out that you need little if any, fertilizer. By far, the most important component of the soil test is the pH level of the soil. The pH…
What should I plant?
This certainly is a loaded question, and I really need more information on the goals of the individual, the layout of the property and surrounding properties, and if the landowner has other food plots on the property. If the landowner’s goals are simply to establish some plots to hunt over, especially during the gun firearm…