The #1 thing to remember and consider when applying Roundup is that it is a “contact killer” in that the Roundup will, in theory, kill ALL plants that it is sprayed on. So it is important to make sure you wait until ALL the weeds have emerged in the spring BEFORE you spray roundup or other “contact killers.” If you get anxious and spray Roundup right away in the spring before many weeds have emerged, you will NOT kill those weeds that are not above ground and growing and will have to deal with them later in your plots. When we use Roundup on new plots, we put ANTLER KING’S PLOT MAX in the same tank as the Roundup and with one pass, we apply the PLOT MAX and also apply the ROUNDUP and kill the existing weeds. Remember that ANTLER KING’S JOLT FOLIAR FERTILIZER can be mixed with Roundup also, so if you are spraying Roundup-ready corn or soybeans, you may tank-mix the JOLT and Roundup together and in one pass, kill the weeds and fertilize the desirable corn or soybean plants! Wait 5-7 days after spraying Roundup before starting to till up the plots. Categories: FAQ