clover/chicory perennialThe highest protein and tonnage-producing clover/ chicory perennial food plot mix on the market!
CARBON-BASED SOIL CONDITIONER (a must for every food plot!)Derived from a product developed to fix “dead soil,” this amazing soil conditioner optimizes seed germination and plant root development, raises soil pH, unlocks available minerals and nutrients, and enhances moisture retention. And, it contains humic acid which can bind CWD prions in the soil!
1 lb. will plant 1/10 to 1/8 of an acre.An ideal addition to virtually any food plot. The deer will consume the turnip “greens” and then also eat the high energy enriched turnip bulb.
Fuel for Clover, Alfalfa, Soybeans, Peas and other legumesTreats 1 acre per bottleFinally, a fertilizer product designed specifically to supercharge your clover food plot!