When planting food plots, there is a lot to consider and one crucial component is planting food sources for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Although you may only hunt in the Fall, your deer herd needs to eat year-round and there are certain food sources they will desire and need, depending on the time of the year. Since deer need to consume different nutrients throughout the year, we recommend planting 50% of your food plots in year-round, long-lasting perennials like our Trophy Clover Mix and Mini Max Clover Mix and 50% of your food plots in annual hunt plots (Fall and Winter forage) like Honey Hole, Slam Dunk, Fall/Winter/Spring, Lights Out, Red Zone and No Sweat. This program will offer your deer a year-round food source, increase the amount of deer that stay on your property and provide them optimum nutrition. During the Spring and Summer months when bucks are growing antlers, fawns are nursing and does are producing milk, deer crave and need high amounts of protein in their diets to maintain their health and to maximize body and antler growth. If a deer can consume a diet of at least 16% protein, they can maximize their health, body, bone and antler development. Studies have shown that A 4.5-year-old buck fed a 16% protein diet can grow antlers 15-25 inches larger (Boone and Crockett Score) than a 4.5-year-old buck fed only a 6% protein diet. It’s science…if you can provide them the nutrition that they need, you can grow Bigger Bucks and Healthier Deer on your property. Therefore, you need to plant food plots high in protein during the Spring and Summer months and we offer three food plot mixes that are high in protein. Two perennial mixes; Trophy Clover Mix (30%+ protein) and Mini Max (20-30% protein) will last 3-6 years and one annual mix, Red Zone (30%+ protein) will provide this crucial Spring, Summer and Fall feed. As the weather turns colder, deer will begin to focus their consumption on food sources that have a higher energy content so they can prepare for the breeding season and ultimately survive the winter. Fall Hunt Plots high in energy are not only vital to the health of your herd, but can offer great hunting opportunities in the Fall and Winter. Antler King® Food Plot Mixes such as Honey Hole (turnips and brassicas), Slam Dunk (radishes, peas, and brassicas), Lights Out ( oats, turnips, brassicas), Fall/Winter/Spring (fall rye, winter peas) and No Sweat (oats, rye, brassica, clover) can offer your deer herd premium food for the Fall and Winter months. Turnips, radishes and brassica plants will turn sweet after the first hard frost and deer will seek these sweet, energy-filled food sources during the colder weather. Food plot mixes with oats, rye and peas will offer both energy and protein, vital for pre-rut and post-rut deer to sustain their weight and overall health heading into Winter. To help you establish the most successful food plot program available we’ve created an easy to follow “7 Easy Steps to Planting Food Plots”, DVD, Video and Brochure that can be found on our website. You can check out the 15-minute video and brochure by following this link: Food Plots in 7 Easy Steps Categories: Food Plot Program