TROPHY DEER MINERAL was our first product 36 years ago. Trophy Deer Mineral is the #1 selling mineral supplement in America since that time and offers the most complete mineral supplement on the market. It contains 27 different antler building minerals, vitamins, and additives along with a special yeast culture which allows the deer to better utilize and easily absorb the minerals and vitamins. The result is more minerals into antler and body development. Trophy Deer Mineral is available in 20 lb. bags and is best used when poured on the ground near a deer trail. Although we suggest a year-round mineral program greatest consumption is from February to September.
Antler King has researched deer nutrition for 36 years and in the past couple of years, research has pointed to the vast importance of certain special Trace Minerals that will greatly enhance overall health and antler growth. Power Rack Deer Mineral has a special Antler King® flavoring for long-range attraction and is loaded with these SPECIAL Trace Minerals and in the proper proportion to help maximize body and antler growth and help fight off disease like EHD and CWD. Power Rack Deer Mineral may be used as the sole source of your mineral feeding program or for MAXIMUM ANTLER GROWTH, mix one bag of Power Rack with one bag of Trophy Deer Mineral.
The apple aroma of Lick Magic® is highly effective in attracting deer from long distances, increasing its attraction power and making it an ideal tool for those seeking to attract deer to a particular area. The aroma is strong and long-lasting, making it easy to attract deer throughout the year. The essential minerals and vitamins present in Lick Magic® are crucial for maximum antler growth and milk production in lactating does, ensuring optimal herd health year-round. Using Lick Magic® regularly can promote overall herd health, keep deer on your property, and help hunters attract deer to their hunting grounds. Overall, Antler King Lick Magic® is an effective and convenient supplement that can benefit both hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike.