I would suggest mowing these two perennial mixes 2-3 times per year. Mow when you start seeing flowers on the clover plants or when the plants reach a height of 18 inches. Mow the plants back to a height of about 8-10 inches. This type of mowing program will allow for maximum protein levels and…
What is the best way to plant RED ZONE? Drill it or broadcast and cover?
I would say that a drill is the most effective, but if you do not have a drill, broadcast after tilling and then drag or lightly disc it in then visually inspect the field. The RED ZONE seeds are quite large and if they are NOT covered, you run the risk of losing a lot…
What should I look for as far as ingredients in a DEER MINERAL?
Minerals work together like spokes on the wheel of a bicycle tire. If a spoke gets “out of whack” the tire wobbles. A good example is the way calcium and phosphorus interact. Before any calcium can be transformed into antler growth or bone development, enough phosphorus needs to be present in a deer’s diet AND…
What is Plot Max? Is it a type of liquid fertilizer?
PLOT MAX is not a liquid fertilizer but a product that “amends or conditions” the soil. It interacts in the soil whereas liquid foliar fed fertilizers must be absorbed through the plant’s stem and leaves. PLOT MAX is, in essence, a soil “tune-up” that allows your soil to function at its greatest ability to produce…
How do I check my pH?
You can submit a soil sample to a fertilizer plant who in turn will send it into a laboratory. Be prepared to wait a couple of weeks to get the results, or you can use an instant pH soil test kit from Antler King. These kits allow you to test four different plots and it…
How much lime do I need to add, how often do I need to spread lime, and can I just spread it on top of the soil without discing into the ground?
Your pH test will tell you how much lime to add. Be prepared to add several tons of lime. Generally, it will take several tons of lime per acre to raise the pH. And usually, once you spread the proper amount of lime to raise the pH to a 7.0, you may not have to…
I am going to be planting on a plot that the farmer had planted to corn last year, and the corn grew well so I don’t think I need to check the ph.
Yes, you do need to check the pH – many crops that farmers plant (such as corn, soybeans, wheat, and rye) can grow in low pH soils, whereas clovers and other legumes we want to plant for deer need a high pH.
I don’t think that I have to test my soil because I have good black dirt.
The color of the soil is not necessarily the indication of a low or high pH level. You need to test!